
Thursday 28 November 2019

What's inside the box?...

Kia Ora Bloggers!

Have you ever dressed up like your favourite book character? Spiderman? Maybe even an animal?

Well, this week is "Hooked on Books Week" at our school. "What is hooked on books week?", you may be wondering. Well, book week is a week where we get lots of different books each day. In the morning, we get a box, and the teachers pick who gets to open the box by using the popsicle sticks, which is basically just a container filled with popsicle sticks that have childrens names on it. Whoever's name is pulled out of the container gets to open the box. 

Anyway, first we got a book called 'The list'. It's about a person named letter, and she is an apprentice for Benjamin, the 'Wordsmith'. What they do, is they make a list of words. Everyone in Ark, which is the name of their... I'm not sure what to call it... Which is the name of their tribe, have to speek the language of 'List'. What Letter and Benjamin do is come up with the new words, or take away some words, for the list. The problem is, Letter doesn't want to speek list, she wants to be free. There used to only be 700 words, but now their leaders are making the wordsmiths lower the words down to 500. Soon Letter is faced with the choice of sitting by and watching as words just casually slip by, or follow a mysterious boy on a path to freedom... Or banishment.

The next two books were: "The Boy who learned to fly", and, "Charlie and the War against the Grannies". The last one sounds weird, doesn't it.

Anyway, I was really filled with curiousity of what the books were going to be, and I can't wait to find out what the next book is!

Happy blogging!

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